As we grow the X-CEL Team, we realised that we needed to find some people who could become the spokespersons of our Brand. We needed dedicated sports people who had an understanding of fitness and health. These were people who had made X-CEL and health a part of their life journey. We have now assembled our first Ambassadors and we are excited to introduce them to you.
We start with our Founder and Chief Ambassador, Mark McAlone
Mark McAlone, founder of X-CEL Fitness Ltd.
Health and fitness has always been in my blood from an early age taking up martial arts and in my teens finding the love of building a healthy strong physique. When I entered my 20's I realized I wanted to help people on their way to their path to achieving the goals they desired and guiding them through the white noise and confusion in the fitness industry and so I became a personal trainer and a therapist to help people grow and heal physically, mentally and emotionally and through this journey X-CEL Fitness was born.
I have created products at X-CEL Fitness to allow athletes of all stages to be the best that they can be. From Protein Whey Isolate to Vegan Fuel, Ignite Fat Burner to Multi Vitamins. All designed by our team in Enniskillen.
Skills : personal trainer. :Strength and conditioning coach: exercise referral specialist :neurokinetic therapist :advanced massage therapist :medical acupuncturist : trained in Osteopathic and chiropractic techniques : emotional mastery specialist :emotional eating disorders specialist : martial artist :jujitsu black belt 1st Dan :Trained in Krav Maga, Karate, Wing Chun and also traditional weapons.